StePHan Flexibility - Natural Support for Healthy Joints & Backs
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StePHan Flexibility - Natural Support for Healthy Joints & Backs Overview
Flexibility is rich in vitamins and minerals recognized as beneficial to the health of joints and soft tissues. Two important amino acids utilized in Flexibility include glycine and histidine. These amino acids are known to promote neuromuscular control as well as maintain healthy, flexible joints. Boron, another key ingredient, is vital in protecting joints and vitamin E is added to soothe muscle cramps associated with heavy exercise or everyday exertions. This product is gluten free. Flexibility has been listed in the Physicians Desk Reference® (PDR®) for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements, the authoritative reference for health care professionals for decades.
StePHan Flexibility - Natural Support for Healthy Joints & Backs Feature
- May Help maintain healthy joints and their soft tissues
- May Maximize bone health through increased retention of calcium and magnesium
- May Promote joint flexibility
- May Soothe everyday muscular cramps